Fostering Innovation
Through its programs and services, the Coalition helps to improve the cancer clinical trials system, bringing together health care professionals, patient advocates, industry partners, and other key groups. Over the years, Coalition programs have streamlined the flow of information, increased operational efficiencies, and promoted scientific collaboration. Ultimately, this work has led to advances in the conduct of clinical trials—and more importantly, to progress in cancer treatment and patient care.
Alpha Oncology, Inc.
This affiliate of the Coalition is a contract research organization (CRO) that provides cancer clinical trial and site management services that enhance interactions between industry partners and National Clinical Trials Network Group members.

Cancer Trials Support Unit
The Cancer Trials Support Unit (CTSU) is a service of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), supported by the Coalition, designed to facilitate access to NCI-funded cancer trials for qualified clinical sites and to support the management and conduct of those research studies. The Coalition oversees the CTSU’s Regulatory Support Services.